Prehistoric Moorsholm
Community Archaeology project in the North York Moors
Our next talk is the rescheduled Prehistoric Moorsholm – a Community Archaeology project in the North York Moors, by Ben Swain on Friday 19th April at 7.30pm, in the Committee Room at the NYMPA offices, Helmsley.
All Welcome

Over a two-year period, DigVentures undertook an archaeological excavation with the local community at a newly discovered site near Moorsholm in the North York Moors, on behalf of the North York Moors National Park Authority. The site presented a rare opportunity to investigate who was living on the North York Moors thousands of years ago, and what they were using the landscape for.
All welcome, and if you come from 6:50pm you can take part in the HAHS AGM and find out plans for the society including summer trips.
Photo: Dig Ventures